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About us

The VAAG Health Foundation is a non-government organization that strives to make a difference in the healthcare department for the underprivileged section of India. Health care is a basic human right and one should be able to access health care services without any financial barriers. And this is what we do, find people who need our help and provide them with basic healthcare facilities. VAAG Health Foundation was established on 12 May 2021 to help the needy and get them medical aid. This is achieved by running various campaigns for the patients and patients’ families. 

Many factors contribute to poor health care outcomes. One of the biggest problems is the lack of access to quality health care. Another problem is affordability. Many patients cannot afford the cost of their treatments. A third issue is the quality of care provided. Patients often receive substandard care due to a lack of training and experience. VAAG makes sure to cover all the needs of the poor and needy through donations made by genuine and kind people. Through this step, we just want to do our bit for our country.

The Story Behind VAAG Health Foundation (VHF)

VAAG Health Foundation is a Non-Government Organization that provides help to patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers in the prevention and treatment of Trauma, Cancer, and other diseases.

A major objective of the VAAG Foundation is to help families of patients to continue to carry on with their lives by upskilling the other members and providing education and other aid to the dependent of such patients. In this way, VAAG Health Foundation acts as a social cover for those who need it most – the poor and the underprivileged sections of our society.

VAAG is informally associated with 7 AIIMs across the country in rehabilitating and families of patients with brain and spinal cord injuries.

Stories of Impact | How your help is reaching to the most needy.