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Corporate Partnerships

VAAG Health Foundation aims to make a difference in the world by working with corporate partners to identify gaps in healthcare and help the underprivileged section by providing medical aid. Corporate partners receive access to VAAG researchers and experts, as well as the opportunity to partner with VAAG’s grantmaking and program development initiatives.

To get started in a partnership with VAAG Health Foundation, take the following steps:

  • Review the benefits that are available to corporate partners through partnerships with VAAG Health Foundation.
  • Determine which of VAAG Health Foundation’s initiatives might be of interest to your organization.
  • Obtain a quote for a partnership agreement, if necessary. Once you have reviewed the benefits and determined the feasibility of partnering with VAAG Health Foundation, commence the process of getting ready to partner. 

VAAG obtains funding for programs that focus on preventing disease, promoting health, and reducing health disparities among underserved populations. This will eventually improve the quality of life for all people through the promotion of health and wellness.

VAAG Health Foundation - Why Partner with us?

  • The VAAG Health Foundation is a non-government organization that was established in 2021 with the mission of saving lives and improving the quality of life in the healthcare department. The foundation partners with corporations to improve health care delivery through transformative partnerships.
  • If you partner with us, you provide higher quality healthcare services than what you would find at dispensaries or hospitals. VAAG has a strong commitment to social justice and sustainability and we are committed to providing access to quality medical care for everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or any other factor.
  • VAAG understands the importance of social responsibility, and thus we take steps to ensure that our services reach those who need them the most. 
  • We help improve the quality of lives of millions of people around the world. Since we focus on reaching out to the underprivileged sections, we often partner with non-profit organizations like UNICEF, WFP, WHO, etc.

You can contribute to these projects

  • Healthcare of a patient
  • Education for the patient’s family
  • The livelihood of the patient’s family