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Our vision is to help create a world where no one lacks access to good healthcare. To achieve our vision we strive to improve the lives of children, families, and communities through education, training, and donation service.

Our staff consists of dedicated professionals committed to helping others. We have doctors, nurses, dentists, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists, nutritionists, and many more. All of us share a passion for helping others. We love what we do!

We are currently looking for motivated individuals to join our team. If you’re interested in working with us.

But first, ask yourself these questions

The best way to find out what type of work you would enjoy doing is to ask yourself some questions about your interests and skills. Do you have any experience working in healthcare? If so, how did you get started? Did you volunteer or intern before getting paid employment? How much time do you spend volunteering each week? Have you ever worked at a hospital or clinic? If so, what was your role? Were you involved in patient care? Did you assist doctors or nurses with their duties? Did you work in administrative roles? If so, what were they? Did you work in marketing or sales? Did you manage a team of employees? Did you teach others about healthcare?

If you answered yes to question 1, then you may already have some healthcare training. You could check online to see if you have any certificates or degrees related to healthcare.

You should be aware that many NGOs prefer to hire people who live close by. However, if you are open to relocating, then you will have more opportunities.

Most NGOs require you to complete a probationary period before starting. This means that you will need to wait until you are officially hired before you begin work.

It’s always helpful to make sure that you’re prepared when applying for a new position. Make sure that you have completed any required forms, submitted all necessary paperwork, and have all of your references ready. Also, don’t forget to dress professionally!