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Brain Injury Patients

The statistics of brain injury in people in India are alarming. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that nearly 33 million people in India have a brain injury. Of these, 11 million have a mild brain injury, while the remaining 22 million have a more severe brain injury. The brain injury people in India are mostly among the underprivileged sections of society. This is because they can’t afford the treatment.

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As a nonprofit organization, we recognize the importance of our donors in providing assistance to the needy. As a way of strengthening our bond with you, we show you how your donations are being used in the lives of the needy through photos and videos that will be shared with you for life irrespective of the duration of your donation. We provide you with these proofs to give a sense of how your donations are being used. You will also get a 100% refund if for any reason you are not satisfied with the use of your donation.

Now based on available information, it can be estimated that there are more than 1 million people in India who have suffered from Traumatic Brain Injury at some point in their lives. This number, however, is likely to be much higher as a large majority of those suffering from TBI never report it to the health authorities.

Brain injury can be life-changing. The person who is affected may need to adjust to new living circumstances, learn new skills, and cope with changes in their abilities and abilities. For some people, brain injury also has a financial impact. For example, if the person needs to go on disability and is unable to work, or if the person has no financial back up and needs to rely on friends and family for support. This is the case with the underprivileged section of India. 

One of the biggest challenges that people face who have a brain injury is the lack of financial support.

In India, one-third of the population lacks treatments for such deadly diseases only because they can not afford them. They don’t know how they or their families will survive if they don’t get treated on time. 

VAAG is a non-profit organization with a mission to help the underprivileged section of India that is battling brain injury and has no financial backup. Donation is one of the most important aspects of quality care for people with brain injury and we rely on your donations to help the needy. You can change the lives of many in need.

VAAG also offers its donors a 100% refund if they are dissatisfied with the use of their donations for any reason.

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